Lance Cpl. Robert Christmon, 20, helps carry a wounded Sgt. Josue Magana to safety while under fire in Fallouja. Fifteen of 37 Marines on the mission were injured and one was killed during an intense firefight that began when Iraqi insurgents descended upon a house in the middle of the city that the U.S. Marines had taken over.

Palestinian youths throw rocks at the window of a building where Israeli soldiers were holed up as tanks and jeeps patrolled the streets in the West Bank city of Nablus. Sixteen people were injured by rubber-coated bullets fired by passing Israeli jeeps during the day.

A police officer takes cover behind a detained supporter of then-president Jean-Bertrand Aristide after taking fire from an alleyway. The detainee was suspected of disrupting an anti-Aristide protest that had thousands of Haitians marching through the streets of Port-au-Prince. The protestors came under fire at least four times during the march.

An injured Israeli man is led away from the scene of a large suicide bombing near the ultra-orthodox neighborhood Mea Shearim in Jerusalem where 21 people were killed when the bus exploded. Both Islamic Jihad and Hamas claimed responsibility for the suicide bombing.

Khalel Al Anaan, 9, inside his bullet-riddled apartment in the Rafah refugee camp. His family says they were fired from the nearby Rafiah Yam Jewish settlement. The entire family of twelve often spend the night in a nearby building that is better protected against the persistent shooting.

A U.S. Army Special Forces soldier makes his way along the entrance of one of many caves that dot the landscape in Afghanistan. The soldiers were searching a series of caves looking for weapons caches or signs of them being occupied by Taliban or Al Queda forces.

Staff Sgt. Vincent Worrell lay shivering on a trauma bay. He felt something in his mouth. He sat up and spat fragments of his front teeth into a bedpan in a field hospital in Balad, Iraq. Injured by a roadside bomb, Worrell had earned his second purple heart in one year while battling Iraqi insurgents. 'My wife's going to be pissed,' he told the doctor. 'She specifically gave me instructions not to get perforated over here.'

An Afghan National Police member, left, takes a drag on a cigarette during a joint operation with U.S. military police in Kandahar, Afghanistan. The operation was the biggest by coalition forces to date in volatile District 8, where the Taliban excerpt considerable autonomy and a place where the U.S. hopes development projects will entice residents to keep Taliban elements from resettling in the area.

U.S. Marine J.T. Sleight bows his head during an impromptu memorial service for Lance Corporal Aaron Austin who was killed by insurgents earlier in the day. The ambush attack occurred during the siege of Fallouja and left several others severely wounded.

A U.S. Special Forces team member observes a humvee at first light after it rolled over the night before while negotiating a rugged mountain road in central Afghanistan. Two soldiers were medevaced by helicopter leaving their team shorthanded while they were on a mission to root out any remaining Taliban forces in the area between Herat and Chaghcharan.

A Marine bows his head while visiting the rifle, boots, helmet and dog tags of one of 17 killed during 1st Battalion, 5th Marines recent tour into volatile Sangin, Afghanistan. The Remembrance Ceremony was held at Camp Pendleton on a morning filled with drizzle and sorrow.